Our Customer Promise

The Rotronics team will take great care to create a bespoke battery management product and support package, which will reduce your battery-related costs, and improve vehicle efficiency.

Our battery management business is based on care, reliability and dependability. We listen to and solve our customers’ problems, always aiming to achieve the best outcome for them. We are proud of our expertise in our specialist sector. We communicate honestly and quickly, providing a trusted service.

Your equipment is in the safest hands when it enters our Service Centre, and will be repaired, serviced and calibrated to the highest technical standard.

We work with industry-leading, diagnostic technologies, operating in partnership with international manufacturers to help develop leading-edge equipment, and drive innovation within the battery management sector.


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Renew Your ROBIS Subscription

Based on the length of contract, your ROBIS subscription will need renewing either annually, bi-annually or every three years. If you have a rolling monthly contract, your subscription will be renew automatically.

To find your subscription renewal date, log in to the ROBIS portal and navigate to the dashboard.

Should you need to pay for your subscription renewal with a purchaser order number, please call 01453 840 401.